Hey guys,
Can I know your taste concerning Big Curly/Frizzy Hair?
I noticed that I like long hair the most starting from waistlength and everything longer. I prefer brunettes more than blond personally.
But then I noticed also that Im very attracted to Big Curly Hair. In my country are those more to see than (straight) Very Long Hair. It is disappearing slowly more and more in this modern society. Very pity of course
, but Big Curly Hair women are more to see now and are often very hot!
It seems I understand now by myself that I like much (head)hair on the women! The more Bigger plus longer & thicker! or only Longer plus thicker! the Hair is... how hotter she become for me!
I just need something to grab on when I would have sex with her problably. hehehe
Does anyone know a website with only Big Curly/Frizzy Hair Pics???
Let we end with long hair....
Long and thick...the best combination!
Or young and having it Long!