Re: Pix - Imput

by Tecra

Imput 2day:

Resizes frum big pics that r not clear r no good for me [eyez].

Ur, add'in moire, moire, and still moire noise to the pics.

I'm a lik'en em "samps" much better, cuz thair easier on da [eyez]

and fits the screen well2 u c.

Bty, ty for da curly blurrrrrrryyyy preeboo and better to get sump'tin

notclhair dan nut'tin at awl.

My fav ballerina frum met=Jasmine


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W/clearer clare, klare, clhair, hair 4all2c.

Srch'in for ennies vid [butt] not hair yet, not shore when ennieday will

be [butt] if she made one, then it will be sump'tin tops.

What happ'en to Twisties Jade BlondeLH? The twirly hairflipp'in one? No

pics of her for a couple of yhairs.
