Long Hair sitings today

by luvhair1957

I saw two ladies today and spoke to them both. The first was a blond with hair to her waist, tied into a pony tail. Her bangs were somewhat feathered and framed her face nicely. I told her that I had noticed her pretty hair from across the store and how pretty it is. She said that her sister has even longer hair (gesturing to her thighs) and that she would never cut it short. We thanked each other and went on our ways.

The next was like a dream come true. I saw a woman working in another store with her hair in a bun almost trwice the size of my fist. I told her how fond I am of long hair and that her bun intrigued me, asking how long her hair is. She said it was almost to her knees and then took it out of the bun and flipped it, opening it so it covered her rear and hung to her knees. She then pulled it back into a tail and held it over her shoulders saying "it is very soft. You can feel it if you want". Well hell yeah I want. It was quite soft and silky and so pretty. Again, we thanked each other and continued about our day.

I love telling those with pretty, long hair how much I enjoy seeing them