Hey Brian!

by andy dick

What's up with you, chickenshit???

Angry Angry Angry Angry

Why don't you lay off Leona and Anya????

Devilish Devilish Devilish Devilish

Too bad you don't have the guts to sign your flaming posts with your real name. Afraid no one would visit your precious Long Hair Portraits site anymore, if everyone knew what a fucking asshole you really were?

Get a life, dickhead.

Thumbs Down Thumbs Down Thumbs Down Thumbs Down Thumbs Down

Note to Leona: Please don't be swayed by posts from this asshole. We all know he's just jealous 'cuz he couldn't hang on to you! You're way to smart/good for his old wrinkled ass anyway. We are all so glad you found that out and struck out on your own! You Go Girl!!!!!

Love you!!!!

Rose Rose Rose Rose