Re: Re: about world groups [nl]

by manny

I don't give my CC# to ANYONE I don't know/don't trust, and especially not to websites I don't know. About 3 years ago I had my CC# stolen (from a receipt I think, but am not sure) and they took me for about 2 grand before I discovered what was going on. I got my money back, but it was a big hassle and worry. Don't EVER give a CC# out without a good reason. Identity theft is very rampant and if you don't think so, then you will when you are the next victim. Up until recently, I worked for one of the biggest ATM manufacturers in this country...and my wife was a branch manager for a large local I can tell you that you would be surprised at all the added security features they have implemented within the last few years just for that reason. Even so, s*** happens if you let it and are not careful about your ID.