Better Characterization

by Tecra

Better Characterization

Wiki’s definition does not characterize the scope of what we are fond of

here. There is no mention of long hair whatsoever. I am ashamed of

the Wiki. It also does no justice to categorize what we like in one

word or diagnosis.

In my opinion, here is some analysis:

Worldwide community, all countries, races, genders, etc. No discrimination, just long hair.

Leads towards some form of admiration, fantasizing, attractiveness, pleasure, etc.

Long Hair Characterization In Categories:

1. Admiration

.....a. Length (Mid-back, Waist, Thigh, Ankle, Floor)

.....b. Texture (Silky Straight, Curly, Fluffy, Thin, Coarse, Thick, Frizzy)

.....c. Health (Varies, Healthy Hair Shines!)

.....d. Color (All Spectrums)

.....e. Origin (All Countries)

.....f. Styles (Natural, Loose, Pony Tails, Braids, Buns, Exposing back of

...................neck or nape, Updoos, Wet, etc)

2. Encounter

.....a. Touching

.....b. Smelling

.....c. Brushing

.....d. Shampooing, Washing and/or Conditioning

.....e. Drying and Pampering

.....f. Styling

.....g. Smelling Again in any stage of the above (a thru e)

.....h. Wearing

.....i. How it feels in any stage of the above (a thru h)

.....j. Setting (Indoors, Outdoors)

.....k. Photographing

3. Gentle Arousal Encounters

.....a. Twirling, Flaunting, Spinning and Dancing

.....b. Tickling

.....c. Wrapping

.....d. Draping

4. Rough Arousal Encounters (Not tolerated by most)

.....a. Pulling

.....b. Hanging

.....c. Slapping

.....d. Bukake

.....e. Hair Job?

.....f. Etc.

5. Allure and Manageability (Determines attractiveness and overall Length)

