by doonit2001 Website:

Anybody know anything about There's a pay picture set there that I've GOT TO HAVE!!! But I can't read Japanese and I don't see a link to an english-only version of the I don't know how much it costs US.....don't know how to navigate the payment methods....also can't tell if the material is for download or if it arrives at my home by mail.....where Mrs. Doonit receives it and promptly commits first degree murder with malice and special circumstances on my person.....

Anybody know how a Yankee goes about safely ordering from this site??? LEO???

There's a picture set there of a lovely longhaired Asian beauty with the silkiest, glassy, longhair that I've ever seen...I mean its up there in the top five silkheads of all time....I gotta get it!! HELP!!