what you really need to do/learn,
photo editing.
i saw a free edit program, hair
do you ''zip?''.
put it , and a few udders, in a zip file and upload it to
mytempdir.com/ 40mb limit [4newbeez].
yea, ninja's host site has a 1046kb[1mb], per pic, limit.
i think you have the hang of it, though.
try a smaller, 100kb pic, to test it.
i like the fact that you want to cumtribute
i'm not into big pics or braids
if you mail it to me i'll fixxx it, 4u.
rp,,just watched, on cmt, shania twain, live in chicago.
[cool town. showed her tour'n the city. any fish in that lake/river r d harbor??]
last thang she said/sang was
''i'm outa hair''