Shakira TV alert

by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

When: Saturday night, June 3 10PM PST ( check your local listings )

Where: GalaVision

Show: "Musical Especial"

It looks like it's going to be a music show featuring Shakira. I'm not sure if it will be videos, live or a mix.

My cable showslate shows the name of the program as "Musical Especial"

Sorry, if you can't get Galavision. Sad

Caveat: I only saw the commercial once, a few days ago, I hope I remembered it right. ( Sabado = Saturday, right? )

If you can get Gala keep your eyes open for these shows also:

Noticiero con Paola Rojas. 8PM PST ( News with Paola Rojas ) ( seems to have a lot of shampoo commercials )

Noticiero con Adela Micha. 10PM PST ( News with Adela Micha )
