Re: Felicia Long Hair Fetish

by Hairrare

I posted this story about a hair slave in August but nobody here liked it, so good luck.


Cheryl had massively thick heavy straight hair with a slight fine frizz in it which made it look even thicker than it really was. She had started growing it in earnest when she was 15, keeping it always in a thick plat which was as thick as her arm at the wrist. She was now 25 years old and it was now just brushing against the ground. Starting from the crown the shiny mass spread slightly from there to the floor where it was at least two feet wide and still at full thickness. She loved all this hair even though it weighed over 1 kg, but always kept it in a plat during the day, to ensure there was no breakage or damage. It was admired with amazement by everyone that saw her, but other than that, she had no real use for it.

That all changed when she met the man who would later become her husband. It was no chance that he was attracted to her, as he had a huge hair fetish, and it wasn't long before Cheryl realised this. She didn't mind, as John started assisting in the job of brushing and creating more interesting hairdos for her. He began quite conservatively, but soon became quite bazaar with the designs he made her wear out in public.

When the hair which now reached the floor was platted, and rolled up into a tight ball or bun, it was as big as a bowling ball, and therefore other ways had to be found to mould it into designs which fitted more tightly to her head. One of Cheryl's favourites was when it was formed into the shape of a hat with a full dome and rim and then covered with cloth binding to make it look most unlike hair. Even this attracted a lot of attention, but Cheryl rather enjoyed this.

John was getting stricter with Cheryl now and she had allowed him to take over full control of her hair which had reached a point where she could not manage it without the assistance of others. John was very pleased to have absolute control over this massive amount of hair, and decided that Cheryl should be punished for the taunting that she was doing to the male population of the town. He decided that she would have to have the entire length of her hair bound tightly around her face and head at any time she was asleep in bed. This would also provide full protection for the hair which he did not want to damage at all. Only her nose would be allowed to poke through and there would be cloth binding added like a mummy to completely cover her hair and head.

That night, Cheryl's hair was let down, and John thoroughly brushed it. He then parted it at mid back, bringing both sides forward and around her face, pulling both lengths tight around the back for the next encircling. Now, down under her chin from both sides, and over the top of her head then under her chin again and back behind the head again. As there was still over three feet remaining, John brought both lengths of hair forward and across her eyes and around the back. He continued in this way, until nearly all the hair was used up, keeping it very tight at all times, then taking the last foot firmly around her neck, he tied it at the back so it could not slip out. Cheryl's head was now just a very tight ball of beautiful hair. John now took a length of narrow satin cloth and bound that completely around her head now forming a shiny ball with only her nose poking out.

Cheryl could not speak or see anything, and had to rely on John to lead her to bed. She soon found that she was in a considerable amount of torment as the hair was tickling and causing many sensations that she could not deal with. She realised that this is how she would sleep at night for as long as she was married to John, as she had relinquished all control of her hair to John, but she trusted him to devise the best methods to protect and display her hair.

The next morning the hair was released and an elaborate but bazaar hairstyle constructed for the day. This day, all her hair was drawn up to the very top, and tied tightly, then formed into a huge bun which was larger than Cheryl's head. All eyes turned her way when she went out shopping as most women had very short hair, and this just made this huge ball of hair stand out. She had lived with this since she was 15, so enjoyed the attention it brought. She loved the way it was so tightly drawn up from the hairline, that it formed a shining smooth perfectly formed curve around her head without a single hair out of place. Men would just stare at her and she sensed some of them wanted to slide their hands up her hair from the nape to the ball.

John knew she had got very aroused by this male attention, and as usual tightly bound her hair around her face all night. The next day he platted her hair and then proceeded to bind it tightly around her neck from under her chin to her shoulders, forming a sort of rope posture neck band. This looked incredible, and as usual Cheryl had to go outdoors for all to stare at her. She realised that the same men were following her around, and were now waiting each day to see what hairdo had been created.

That night, John decided that Cheryl need to be punished again, so he created a very tight plat to reduce the diameter of the rope, then asked Cheryl to open her mouth. He then brought her hair around from the back and bent it into a U shape in front of her mouth. He then pushed the U into her mouth, then started pushing the plat from the opposite end from her head. Slowly it went down her neck, in and down, until the bent part had gone all the way down to her stomach then up again so that only the end was poking out of her mouth. She was having a bit of difficulty breathing, but John kept her like this for 30 min, until she was dizzy from lack of oxygen. He then started pulling the hair out of her mouth until the entire 6 feet of solid plat was outside. Cheryl then washed her hair which took about an hour, then partially dried it with a soft towel. He then tied her face up in the usual was and she went to sleep.

On another morning, John created two huge plats that hang down on each side of her face. Then he formed opposite rotating circles out of these, intertwining them to form a round cylinder of hair that stood out from her face. Her face could only be seen by looking into the darkness of the circle of hair that formed a short tunnel in front. As she went shopping, everyone including the women wanted to sneak a look, and everywhere she went, people came out of doorways and turned around so they could approach her. This daring feat of confidence started the adrenalin rushing and Cheryl felt quite dizzy as she made her way home. She was never allowed to disassemble to hairdo and had to remain this way for the rest of the day, as only John was permitted to form her hair.

When her hair was platted, it was now over 2 metres long, and longer when loose. For weekends, John devised a plan to keep her in constant bondage using her hair as rope. His favourite was the reverse prayer position, pulling her hands fully up her back until they were at the back of her neck, where he would the use the hair rope to tie her arms in place. This was an extremely painful position, but John insisted that she would spend all day each Sunday tied in this position. As her hair was stretched taut between her well pulled back head and her wrists, there was no way to move. If she pulled her head forward her wrists were pulled up higher, and if she tried to relax her arms, her head was too far back. She was now trapped in this position as she would never do anything that would cause damage to her precious hair. By the end of the day, when he removed the hair rope, Cheryl was unable to move her arms by herself, and had to be assisted to bring them back by her side.

If Cheryl was very good, john would allow her one of her favourite activities which was having all of her hair stuffed inside her pussy. To do this, all her hair was brushed up to the front of her head above the forehead and then tightly platted into a 2 metre rope which came down over her face. By leaning forwards, only about 1 foot of its length was lost reaching its target. John would then start to work all of the remainder deep inside her pussy. As the huge ball of hair was worked in, it started to become very big, and tight, but John kept arousing her and pushing until the massive ball was tight and solid inside her. It was now impossible to pull the plat out with her head, as it was wedged in and pulling just moved the plat over her clit. Once again, Cheryl was left like this for about 2 hrs.

Each day John would create an incredible hairdo and make Cheryl walk around the town where she was carefully watched by lurking men. The men started taking photos of her and putting them on a special website where long hair was displayed. It wasn't long before she had become known all over the world as a hair model and she revelled in this fame. When John found out he decided to set up a pay website to display Cheryl, and then asked for feedback on the hair forum of hair tortures for Cheryl which he would photograph and display.

One of John’s favourites tortures was to have Cheryl spend the evenings with her arms tied behind her back and hung by her hair as he browsed the internet. With her massively strong thick hair she would have no trouble doing this, and John had already set up a wheel-able rig that she would be hung in each night. Her hair was now very tightly pulled up from the back, while the sides were firmly pulled up but not quite as tight. This allowed more of her weight to be carried by the back of her head than the top, which balance the load over her head more evenly. The tail was then wound around a sort of real or bobbin and then a rod was passed through the bobbin which was connected to steal wires that could be wound up to raise her. John now tied Cheryl's arms behind her back, then connected her hair and started to turn the handle.

All this was being seen on the internet by hair fetishes all over the world. As the slack was taken up, Cheryl felt her hair start to tighten, until she was on her tip toes, trying to relieve the incredible pain caused by her hair. She was now just touching the floor with her toes, and John left her like this for a few minutes. She thought she would never cope with the pain, but then suddenly she was six inches off the floor, slowly rotating back and forth. She started to moan from the pain, but John was satisfied that she was coping well, and settled down to browse the internet. After about an hour John made a more thorough check of Cheryl, and found her breathing heavily, and still moaning. He told her that he would be leaving her for one more hour, and went to make some coffee.

Cheryl knew she was being watched by thousands of men and found this extremely arousing. She was now not even feeling the pain, as she hung there, all sorts of fantasies sprung into her head of what men could do with her hair. She imagined hundreds of men cuming into her hair while she hung from the frame, and using her in every way they wanted. When John came to let her down she had lost track of time and wasn't even aware of his presence. He let her down for the night and prepared her for bed in the usual way.

Cheryl had become John's hair slave, but that is what she had always wanted and so she never cut her hair which led to more and more elaborate torments and tortures. If you had her, what would you do?