Re: Re: Re: Re: Need Help for First Contact

by Longpageboy

His info about her hair length seems to be only hearsay at the moment. For most people outside forums like this one, even hip length would already be considered "extremely long". So "only" hip length could well be the bare fact. For us here, that would just be the beginning of what we call "really long", of course.

But so what? Whatever it is, he should go for it and start something. The least that will come out of it is that he will find out how long her hair really is. And if he makes promising contact and her hair is not long enough yet for his taste, he can eventually encourage her to go longer still.

I have been told something similar about a Ukrainian refugee with "very long" blonde hair who looked after a female friend´s demented grandma until the old woman finally had to be institutionalized. Somehow I never got to meet that Ukrainian woman, but since my friend has had waist-length hair herself all her life and has never made a big deal out of it, I´m left to conclude that that Ukrainian woman´s hair should actually be considerably longer than her own hair.

And if you´re curious: I did have a short affair with that friend of mine when she was young and her hair tailbone length. She is one of the nicest persons I have ever known, and she has been married (with two kids) for about fifteen years now to a handsome, intelligent, and empathic man whom I like very much. And although I am still tempted at times to make a pass at her again, I know better; I don´t want to trouble their family life in any way.