Re: We Love Long Hair On Woman Not on mem

by Fakerfetish

When I'm entering this site I get this information:

Adult content

This website contains content intended for individuals of the age 21 or older as determined by the local and national laws of the region in which you reside. If you are not yet 21+, leave this website immediately. By entering this website, you agree that you are at least 21 years of age or older. You will not redistribute this material to anyone, nor will you permit any minor to view this material.

Furthermore, this site is called kinkyforums, as well as LongHairForum.


I get it that you folks, who agree to this post, are not interested in male Rapunzels. I'm not aroused by them either. Be that as it may, these interests and fetishes are just as welcome here as all the others related to long hair!

So thank you for your opinion... but you are more than welcome to keep it! The world is colourful and diverse place to exist in. Living in 2024, I thought this inadequate mindset has finally gotten extinct for good.

Everyone is welcome here Rainbow and if you don't like "gay content", don't indulge in it and ignore it!