Such a tragedy! Beautiful ankle length blonde hair cut short.

by Lover of very long blonde hair

I went from having a massive hard when I saw that beautiful ankle length natural blonde hair on to wanting to vomit when I saw it cut so short.

It's always a shame seeing a girl with beautiful ankle/floor length hair get their hair cut really short.

That she's a blonde makes it even more tragic.

It's always tragic when a girl with really long hair gets their hair cut really short but ut just seems so much more tragic when a natural blonde with super long beautiful hair gets their hair cut really short.

She has such a cute face and the glasses make her even hotter and the long hair made her look so much cuter.

Just look at her at 4:20 into the video with her beautiful ankle length natural blonde hair super cute face and sexy glasses.

She looks so much younger with long hair and so much older with short hair.

Even her face looks nowhere near as cute with such short hair as with her ankle length.

Even the color of her hair looks so much blander short than when she had it so long.

And her short hair just looks ugly while her ankle length hair was so stunning.

This lady went from a stunningly beautiful blonde goddess to buttugly in just a few seconds.