I very much appreciate your input here and emails I've received, thank you!
Rick, hans, eyeright, Skip, Lupo, Ronit, KA, topper, Vino, Taylor, Pablo, cocox, terry, waistlover, et al....
A few responses, etc:
-No, I will not auction off my hair.
-Yes, I want Leona to do the cut. I trust her 200% with my hair.
-I won't be cutting it as short as waist length, I just can't do it. I love it looong.
-I think growing it to "terminal length" defeats the purpose of why I originally posted. I'm not trying to break any records, I just
having long hair. It's beautiful, unique, requires a great deal of patience, it feels amazing, it makes me happy, it's a part of me that I cannot do without. I don't feel I'm "wasting my gift" at all. Some non long hair enthusiasts may see my having long hair & not donating to locks of love, as "wasting my gift". My ability to grow my hair isn't a "gift" per se; more so it is genetic. I feel very, very fortunate for these genes, believe me, but that's not my definition of a true "gift". People in your life who truly love you (with or without hair)... now that's a gift.
-Pablo... Why, may I ask?
-Vino... Is this some way of inadvertently requesting a Màne-àge à Trois?
-Taylor... Hey! Long time, sweetness!
-Ronit... Happy Valentine's to you too!
-Ninja.. commander & chief of this fine place!
-Davester... the big teddy bear... Oh Canada!
-Chris... Always a sweet to me!
-RP... Always a hunny bunny!
Dman... So kind & sweet
Danny... DIK!
-Leona, I love you (I just had to say that)
Bottom line of things as they stand now... I haven't decided on how much to cut off yet.