Re: Re: Re: Problem with PC's Site

by UrbanHermit

You are absolutely right to demand a little respect. According to Romeopapa at the Long Hair Palace, pc is in hospital with acute leukaemia; and, no matter what you may think of him and his practices, that is no situation for coming on with the clever remarks and sarcasm. How would you like it if someone made snide comments when you were dying (as he almost certainly is)?

To all of you who have been posting anxious questions about what has happened to his forum(s), you now have the answer. It doesn't look as if there's much future in them.

And if, by some miracle, he does recover, we should all be thankful. This is a human life we're talking about here. Personally, I never visit his forum and I've often found him annoying, but I still wish him well.

Anyway, a man who works as a firefighter and loves the blues can't be ALL bad....