well i have been working on honing my skills
the first thing with the approach is to believe you are not losing anything if you ask...the worst that can happen is for you to get a no... and lets face it...if you have not gotten a No yet then you should..if you have, you probably know it isnt too bad
I went up to her , and i said excuse me...and was very nice. Complimented her looks in general and especially focused on her hair. I made it clear i loved her hair and used different ways to compliment her, color, texture, especially length. She was receptive and happy. lets face it, no woman would not be happy with compliments... I then introduced myself and asked her for her name..little conversation ...then i asked her if she ever had her hair longer, she knew i was crazy about her hair...I politely asked if i could feel it...she smiled and said yes...then i asked her if i can take a picture of her hair, she said yes...I took a few
I then said i wish we were not both traveling to different places, I asked for her number and I also asked if she would like to come with me to my gate and wait with me since her flight was later..she agreed and that is when i got to really play with her hair, touch it, smell it, tug on it...etc
i tell you it was awesome...my best encounter so far....
just be confident and nice....it will happen....we have been talking on the phone but she is so far away...like on the other side of the country