question re: using fetish during sex

by Brack

Hey guys... long time, no post (remember this site being down for a while, then overtaken with spam or something. Glad we have this place open again).

I now have a girlfriend I've been seeing (A LOT) for the last four months or so. She has probably the THICKEST curly (think spiral curls) blonde hair I've seen in a long time that goes to the small of her back and almost to her waist, and she wants to grow it down to her ass (her hair grows significantly for how long it is... most people who have curly hair can't get it past the middle of their backs). Our sex-life is incredibly active and I'm just wondering if you guys have any ideas about how to explore the fetish. She has a long-hair fetish too, considering my hair's getting long as well... it's to my shoulders. Both of us have stated this, but we really haven't done anything except fondle each other's hair before sex if anything. What would you guys suggest?