Please, dont call yourself longhairlover when you cut also!! Let me remind how much patient is needed to grow it that loooong for a woman. Then in a few seconds such feminine piece of beauty is cut away?! What a shame!!!
They became all very ordinary women with their looks after it, esp. chinese women with their black hairs. One of their most valuable outlook assets has been taken away by such cut. For what? Very often they are convinced by haircutters like you for money only!!
YEA, money is destroying these longhair women (in China). Those women maybe need it (baby, college, etc.) and have one lucky shot coz of their long hair?! Wow, its like a saving account.
What unfeminine it is to see a woman go even bald for money!! Not getting enough for DVD's on which she can show off her long hair?? Yea problably it is coz the hair itself is much more worth than that. Easy money earning and hoping for some more from the DVD's too!?
Do more on keeping such special women with those fantastic lengths then chopping it off to a everyday look which is too much to see in our society nowadays!! Money is killing beauty here!
I have a lot of admiration and respect for women who keep such great hairlenghts esp. when not even money can change their minds and they choose being that special feminine personality.
Well, I just spoke it out for a moment. Will it help? long as such sites continues showing the wrong pics and videos for the REAL longhairlovers!!!