Roger answers pc

by roger


yes I did offer you a cd of Debra Jo

I technically failed to transfer a long Debra Jo VHS tape on to cd on a low powered computer 1 year ago

to punish me:


that has a simple effect - it CHEATS the Models of their rightful fees - its how they make their living


also, unlike you, I had the privelege to contract, direct and meet Debra Jo


did I not keep you informed of the facts?

did I not say as soon as I had a computer powerful enough you could have the Debra Jo tape?

In way of temporary compensation did I not give you free access to all of Ltress's updates ?

those updates are now worth region $400 - they are acclaimed world wide as offering stunning electronic video of many,many beautiful long hair models

I paid and supported the long hair models to achieve that

you didnt support any models financially

in fact I seem to remember you upset a lot of them

your stuff was all ripped off - poor quality porn rubbish

I gave you the option to contact long hair models in your area - it transpired you didnt have the skills required

I gave you advice on the benefits and problems on setting up a forum of your own

you set one up on your own - it was a nightmare to join - I remember

whatever you have done - and I thought you had disappeared - you are now reduced to not even using your own name

I am commiting $3500 to long hair video shoots in the coming 2 weeks

how much are you contributing to the models - a donation would be nice

got anything else to say?