pc said he would let you in his ''thangy''
even though you called him a ''pervert''. lol
[i'm a mod, there and i just asked him]
lotta new albums to see.
groups.msn.com/PCsLONGHAIRCLUB/ [apply 1st]
once you have joined [msn auto e-mail thangy=yours can be fake]
upload them to an album. [we can't wait to see them]
e z 2 dew! [pics get 'compressed' to around 50kbs]
3mb upload limit per 'fake' e-mail..no limit on fake e-mails. you'll see.
pc has 10 names/albums, there. lol
428 members, to date. NoSpam! [gets deleted and banned, QUICK]
EVERYONE INVITED----none turned down. act-up and your a goner.
note: only, recent, PCs members can view this 'un-compressed' pic.
submited/uploaded as an attachment to a message, there.
hotlinked to here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>