Re: Re: played with calf long hair today

by arcan

Hi ..

Yes, I know it's quite pointless to post without pictures, but she made it really impossible for me to take any photo. She knows how active I'm online so I guess she made her conclusion about what'd happen to those pics

I've posted it mainly to encourage all of you that one day may come and you'll also meet your LH nirvana, without much efforts actually... I'd never believe it could happen to me, really

And yes, she knows very well about my thing for long hair. It's also how we met, she was just a stranger on the street and we kept an online contact for quite long since then. She finds it quite curious, but it actually helped us to 'get together'. I guess that she partly wanted to see what her hair will do to me, and man, it did things. And I think women with this long hair must have something for long hair as well, so in a way it was a situation when two people who are slightly (or more ;)) crazy about the same thing met. She even seemed to really enjoy all that hair playing...

The time will come for each of us
