The ultimate question

by brusher

I tried to post this before but it doesn't seem to be up so here goes:

the ultimate question for all of us on this board. In the obviously fantasy sense, of all the beautiful long haired ladies (and short haired women too) who would you most like to have sex with? OK, it's probably too hard to narrow down to one, so let's say your top five (in no particular order).

You're probably wondering how to narrow it down to just five and do I offend someone I may know if they're not on the list. OK then, the list may get long but if you can't narrow it down to five.....well, we'll both have a small problem.

Here goes:

(in no particular order)

Melina Velba (love those perfect tits)

Monica Bengar (that super thick hair)

Samantha and Anya (for what they do with their sexy hair)

Anekee (sexy face, long hair, and perfect tits)

Marianne (for the quality of her silk)

Fay Reagan (sexy redhead)

OK, that's sue me.

Hope this gets posted and no one is offended for being left off the list...or for being put on it.

Peace from within