Re: Wildest thing you'd do to feel long

by Penny Lynn Website: Don't back baby in a corner

One of my many sisters used to BEG me to not have super long hair because she used to work in the "mental ward" and heard stories of ladies being attacked and the long hair cut off ! I hate short hair, so that would be pure horror for me !.......

I must admit, after she told me this, when I would go shopping in a store ,I would see a man making a bee line right for me to approach....that going in for the kill look. *giggles*

Secretly my heart would pound and I would get a bit scaredand feel like a pinned rabbit with no escape. My hair was always a good opening line for them as well, as he might go to touch it, I would wonder what he had in mind . I started to get a bit of an OCD about people getting to close to my hair . Embarrassed