Penny, she knew what she was doing

by Westy

If you were to see that entire photoset, she started off by dripping an entire bottle of baby oil into her hair. Followed by the Vaseline, followed by a box of cornstarch after that, followed by eggs and finally a jug of pancake syrup.

Naturally, the whole idea is to fill her nice long hair with as much crap as possible because there are perverst like me out there who get off on such things.


The eggs are actually good for her hair. The syrup is almost pure sugar so as sticky as it might feel going in, it would have been very very simple to rinse and wash out. The centerpiece of the whole thing is the Vaseline. Obviously there is no easy way to get Vaseline out of your hair, but the oil beforehand would have made sure it didn't stick quite as badly to the hair, and the cornstarch afterward, while it looked nice and messy, was actually more to soak up and dry out the Vaseline and make it easier to wash out in the end.

So I have no doubt it must have taken her days to get two jars of Vaseline out of her hair, it might have taken her all week, but when you analyze the entire thing you can see that she had a plan the entire time for being able to get it out when it was all over and done with.

 » the work in progress