My friend with waist length blonde locks

by longpony

A friend of mine is one of those beer promotion girls. You know, the hot girls you see in bars on the weekends doing promotions, not wearing a lot of clothes, and giving away free stuff? I think she's very hot, and has beautiful, waist length long blonde hair. I think her hair is a lot of the reason she attracts so much attention in the bars.

Anyways, she is trying to get out of this field, and go more into sales. So she is debating on cutting those long locks and going with something more modern. Personally, I am torn on it: I love her long hair, but at the same time I would be interested in seeing her in a different hairstyle, as she has always worn it the same: Straight, all one length, all hanging at her waist.

I am going to try and convince her to let me come with her if she does go ahead with it, and I am going to somehow convince her to let me keep the trophy ponytail if she does go through with it....although that might take some convincing.

I would be interested in hearing what you guys think she should do with that gorgeous mane of hers.