by Aditya

I am really shocked. This is an international forum & see the language u all are using. Even if we agree that Subimal is looting people, are u all doing something very great by using words like Fucker & calling ladies(who are someone's daughter, sister or mother) as beggers. Its really a shame on all of u & I strongly believe tat no society or no country's culture allows such iresponsible behaivour.

Now about this whole issue.....

Being an INDIAN I seriously know that what great difficulties Subimal muse be going through to even do wat all he is doing. Here its still very difficult to talk about fetishes & run such sites. U really cannnot expect an Indian site showing you hairjob or some erotic pics or videos.

I would like to conclude with saying that its everyone's right to express his views but he must do it in a dignified manner. Hope that we would again be able to attain the same friendly, long hair loving atmosphere here very soon.

With best regards,
