ninja and i go way back. what,?,1999.?.
when i started PCs, last feb., it was because
flaming was running off our best posters.
we needed a ''back-up'' forum with
no flames/spam/bullshit.
xxxactly what PCs is
the ''new and improved'' ninja's will bee.
now, when i post her i say
''post frum PCs'',,sew,,our members will
know not to re:surf it.
fflh/mark=''poster of the month at PCs''
i love your post.
go back and get all your, recent post, and
ninja's will freek. lol
[boy, those new lena li,,,,WOW!!]
dew u 'still' like it?[after useing it, a week}
fflh recomends[faster browser] free version