Re: Longhair bondage poll

by Mikeyp

Longhair+Bondage combined! My two most favorite things in the entire world!!

It would have to be Marrianne.

Refresh my memory, which one is JJJ, and which one is Mandy. I'm familiar with a Mandy, but I'm not sure if she's the same one I'm thinking of.

As far as who I would want to see tied up the most, they are all great choices with fantastic hair and I wouldn't turn down a chance to see anyone of them tied up.

I do remember seeing GG bound and gagged. Great photo!

My first choice would have to be Marrianne. There is something about her. She's perfect. Beautiful. Great body. Fantasticly long, silky, soft, wavy brown hair. Her hair is just perfect! She is an amazingly beautiful woman! Definately for me it's Marrianne.