OMG, you're right! I'd better cut all my hair off and close my site right away! Or, I could stop wearing that "I'm a big 'ol slutty whore and run an adult paysite!" t-shirt everywhere I go... then maybe I'll be safe! Oh wait, gotta remove the bumper sticker too!
I think you missed the point of the message altogether. And you know, if I were a man who likes long hair, I would be offended for being called 'sexually repressed'.
Having long hair is what I like, it's my preference, and I thank God I've been able to grow my hair long as long as I have... and it's still growing; I'd have my hair long with or without my site.
I don't consider my having a site that caters to people who enjoy long hair as preying on anyone. Hell, have I EVER ONCE posted a message saying, "Join my site!!!". Nope, not here, not on NTC, not even on my old yahoo club... nowhere. lol I haven't even released a another hair video, and it's been over 2 years... and you call it 'preying'?
Your comment sounds like you're sexually repressed and looking for someone to punish. If you want to talk crap about me, I don't really care, but don't come to a long hair forum and start talking about the guys here being sexually repressed... that's not a fair accusation. Heaven forbid a man would like long hair for the sake of liking long hair. What would the world come to??? Before you know it, men everywhere would find nice legs sexy! Or breasts, or lips, a nice ass... or even pretty eyes! And then what?! Personality and intelligence??? Say it isn't so!
Merry Christmas!