What makes a good Long Hair Video?

by Bobby

Hi guys and gals. After reading some of the recent posts (LHC, LHD closing) I can see I am not the only effected by this. I was also wondering to myself, we all seem to have different tastes in online content when it comes to long hair. For example some are head over heels for Leona and her divas, while some are searching the hair of India. Either way one thing seems to be the same. We all love it!

With that said, I was wondering what would make the ultimate hair video? Would it HAVE to have hair "sex" in it? Would it just be gals with long hair walking down a street? Or would the ultimate hair video be more of a movie? Maybe it would be a sci/fi theme? Like a gal gets zapped with some sort of gamma ray and her hair grows uncontrollably? LOL sorry maybe that was little far fetched but you get the idea.

I have also noticed that even though they may not do well in the movies or TV ratings, their has been many new hair related things out there. From TV makeover shows to Salon makeover shows, or even swapping stylists from the city salon to the mom and pop salon. Not to mention movies like "Don't mess with the Zohan". There has even been a movie called "FUR" with Nicole Kidman which even though was a fictitious story about a photographer and a guy who has hypertrichosis, I can't help but notice the "hair fetish" Ms. Kidman's character portrays.

So help me out guys and gals tell me your thoughts on this? Anybody want to put on the directors hat and put together an independent movie? I would help fund it!! Now would be the perfect time to have something like this done.
