Thanks for sharing your site url.
Anything more than the six pics hidden in there?
In your 1000s of hours of hair video, do you have the Jim Butché videos? Those were formely available from a web site. That back in 96/97. I think the site was
Jim Butché was involved with that site in some ways. There were amazing pics available there. I think that over time the different energies fueling the site grew apparts. From what I got, Jim wanted to share his love and talent for dressing long hair. The others saw the site as a prime $ making venture. They kicked Jim out, or he walked out... I don't know. But there was a few video available then from him. All about doing amazing hair does with long and very long hair.
Frank, the master of the long hair websites ( ) talked a bit about those videos back then. There was even a few tlhs fan meetings in USA where a few people met, viwed Jim's videos and just had a ball talking about hair. Frank traveled to USA at least once to attend at least one.
Any information would be much appreciated.