I've never been with a girl with really long hair either.
The closest I had to really long hair was probably about elbow length but I don't think it'd even count... it was terribly unhealthy! And the girl wasn't too pretty either haha
My current girlfriend of five years, well, when I first met her, her hair was around mid-back and amazingly healthy! She had never dyed it even once. It was all one length and a beautiful tone of brown. I loved it!
We started to actually hang out with some friends a couple of months after that and I noticed that her hair was shorter... just below shoulder length. It was still nice and healthy though and all once length haha.
Then she dyed it for the first time about a month after we began dating. She got some reddish streaks in it.
She started growing it out then... not really on purpose, she just kept putting off getting a trim. At the same time, she began dying it more and more. It still looked very healthy... but very red haha (I LOVE natural red hair, but not really dyed red hair)
Then she got bangs and A LOT of layers. I didn't mind the bangs at all, they looked pretty nice actually. I prefered no bangs, but I didn't say anything. I wasn't a huge fan of the layers but I didn't want to say much about that because she was saying how she was kind of bored of her long hair. The layers kept her happier with her hair. ... well, for a while at least.
Within a few months she was saying that she wanted to cut her mid-back beautifully healthy hair really short to "try something new." A lot of her friends were wearing their hair short at that time too. She asked me if I'd mind and that's when I told her that I had a thing for girls with long hair. She then said that she didn't know I felt that way and she was going to keep growing it out just for me.
Needless to say I was extremely happy! But I felt selfish and told her that she really didnt have to do that for me and if she wanted to, she should go ahead and cut it. But still, she said she'd grow it out.
But within a month or two she was frequently talking about cutting it to about her chin. I would just act kinda like... sad whenever she talked about it and she just got like frustrated I guess and would say "fine, I just won't cut it if it means so damn much to you. But if you loved me, you'd let me cut it" I felt like shit!
Finally, it got to the point where she called me one day when she was outside the salon and said she was going to cut it. I said okay but she could tell I wasn't thrilled about it so she got mad and hung up.
She cut it to just above her shoulders with HEAVY, and I mean HEAVY, layers upto just above her chin.
She liked it at first but never loved it. She knew I hated it haha.
It's been 3 years and a half since then. She's been growing it out ever since and every once in a while when we're looking at old pictures, she'll said "oh my God, I can't believe I wanted to cut my hair that short! Never let me do that again!"
Unfortunately, for some reason since then, her hair has been growing painfully slow haha. It's slightly longer than the length it was before she cut it. Maybe an inch or two longer. It's not as healthy though for some reason (all the hair dye she uses... it's a dark brown now and before that she had blonde streaks) and she's always complaining about split ends. I don't know... her hair seems healthy enough to me compared to most girls I see out there.
It had only "angles" in the front up until about 3 months ago when she got "side bangs"... which i hate lol. The angles were nice though. About a month ago she got light layers and a slight v-shaped cut at the ends.
Slowly, it's getting to her goal. She's aiming for elbow length with the v-shaped cut.
She says once it gets there she'll probably keep it like that for a while and then cut it back to where it is now unless she likes it and grows it even longer.
Funny thing is, before the growing out process she didn't really care about her hair at all. Now she's even more obsessed with it than I am haha. I bought her a Mason-Pearson hairbrush for her birthday haha. She loved it! She also loved the necklace I got her but yeah lol
The future is looking good! And the past 5 years, overall, have been amazing whether she had short hair or long hair.