by Evana

I agree with all of u.I happen to be mandy's hairdresser for the past 11 years and am probably one of the few hairdresser's who love long hair.I have been doing dusting trims to mandy's hair for a long time and the maximum cut i did on her hair was a 3" trim way back in 2003.Iive just a street away from mandy's place and i have tended to her hair like a true long hair fan.But mandy came to my place last week and talked about getting a slightly greater trim this time around.When i probed her further she told me about her "long hair hating" (not her words.These are mine in my anger) family.I tried to dissuade her but apparently she loves her family too much and has decided to go thru with the cut.We have decided to cut her hair about 26-28 days from now Wilted Rose .So there is still time and i urge all of her fans to try their best to discourage her.She is talking about mid back length but i will try to keep it at waist length.Please try.

Thank you.