Re: Before this post disappears...

by GervGirl Website: GGR

I have to jump in here again (after the whole Penny topic a while ago)

First I will say I respect Anya for what she does, her long hair, her dedication, etc. She is a beautiful woman with beautiful hair and I have looked up to her as a long hair model. I have always been a person who believes in giving credit where credit is due.

I will repeat myself from the post a while back about Penny in that no one here should be putting anyone down. You don't like it keep it to yourself bluh bluh and you are even lucky any of us girls take the time to post here.

Now this seems to be going off topic but I have to comment on the whole wish list thing being I am one of the girls who has a wish list on my site. I don't agree it is like begging and when I had first put a wish list up on my site it was way back before I even had a members area and my site was free. When I decided to have my site become an Adult site I had a couple of people asked for my wish list because they wanted to send me something. I didn't beg people to buy me anything. It was there for those who wanted to use it.

Now you might think I am the wrong person this should be coming from especially from the new area of my site where I now take on "slaves" as a financial dom. This is something I had done behind the scenes a few times through out the years. And I might add that these people came to me, I did not go to them. I decided to add this as part of my site as there is a demand for it. It is a fetish for some as much as long hair is a fetish. I enjoy being able to control and so just like I enjoy my long hair and showing it off, I took it on as part of my site. It is just as much work as it is doing a site with just long hair if not can be more work. You don't just tell people to give you money and think they will just hand it over. You have to understand a person and their needs and understand their point of the fetish and their fantasies.( Just the same with the long hair fetish it is a learning process as to what you like to see to have you fantasies played out.) It is a relationship you have with that other person and we all know it takes time to build a good relationship no matter what kind it is. There has to be a trust factor there. And if some people want to think it is begging for money so be it but that is because you don't understand the fetish. Kind of the same way some people would question many of you what do you see in long hair. Some may think your crazy because they don't understand the fetish of it. If I can learn about a new fetish and understand it and enjoy it and be compensated for my work and time then sure I will take it on. I wouldn't do something if I didn't enjoy it. I am not looking for a hand out and I don't expect people to hand me money over for free and if that is what people felt, that they were not getting anything for there money do you think they would do it?

One thing I have learned in this tight nit long hair community is, it is just that, TIGHT. The frustration of all the hard work I do and that many appreciate it, there are a hand full that don't. And knowing that your work is passed around for free is like a slap in the face. Don't think I don't know who some of you are or any of the girls for that matter. With that and a lack of time of being able to keep up a members area I have the set up the way I do on my site. And taking on a new area of my site helps me to balance it all out.

So I don't think anyone one should be pointing fingers at anyone with out knowing a person and understanding what they do. Many of you who have gotten to know me on a more personal level know the type of person I am. I have never talked down about anyone unless they showed total disrespect for me or someone else without knowing really who that person is.

I am who I am, you ether like it or you don't. I am happy with myself and who I am and what I do and I will keep doing what I do until it no longer makes me happy. I will not change for anyone.

My 2 cents