Don't know whether this post will survive, but I just wanted to alert all who might be intrigued by the concept, to a discovery that I made Web surfing just two nights ago.
Some of you as old as or older than me might remember Larry Flynt's publication from the late-1970s/early-1980s (don't know whether it still exists), "Chic". One thing it specialized in for a time was artists' renderings of female celebrities nude or engaged in sex acts, with photographic verisimilitude
. I used to enjoy it immensely and it was one of my incentives for subscribing to "Chic" in the first place. Well, I just came across a website, "", that appears to do the same thing. Admittedly intoxicated by the come-on, I immediately subscribed and have spent a good part of the evenings since then masturbating
my way around the premises. If you've ever fantasized about certain female celebrities in all fields--show business, of course, but also sports, etc.--naked or having sex with other famous personalities or anonymous surrogates for yourself (just like "Chic" used to do), then this is a site to check out. I assume the public personas of the subjects protects the site and its artists from legal repercussions
--in any case, it's been around since 2006. Lovely bodies and, of course, lovely hair
on a wide variety of ladies, both "old" and new. I particularly spent much time enjoying myself with lifelike renderings of Posh Spice, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson and Jennifer Anniston
. So check it out as I did and see if you aren't similarly turned on.