Re: thoughts on hair

by GervGirl Website: GervGirls Retreat

I had very long hair when I was young and I remember in school all the girls would love to play with my hair. When ever we had to sit on the floor and listen to the teacher read a story or something, the girls in my class would run to sit behind me so they could play with my hair. On the bad side of that is I would come home from school with lots of knots that my dad had to brush out and I HATED my dad brushing the knots out.

My daughter is just about 5 now and has never had a hair cut. I have told her I think she need to get a little cut because she does get lots of knots and it is a battle to brush it with her. But she tells me "no mommy I don't want to get my hair cut I want long hair like you" But I really think she is afraid it will hurt to cut it.

Just thought I would share my little stories