What the...

by The guy from yesterday

First of all, before you respond, please read the entire message.

Now. My post was deleted? Why?

Asking about hair type on a racial basis seems pretty common sense to me. In a weird sort of way. I suppose it could come off as pretty superficial, but it's still a valid question.

As I said, it was not even the slightest bit derogatory nor was it meant to be. Different races have different traits physically. It's an inescapable fact. Different skin color, minor differences in skeletal construction, height, weight, hair color...these things all change from place to place.

I have an idea. I won't ask which is the best. Is that any better? I'll ask a few other things instead.

Like for instance: Is there any geographical predisposition to hair fetishism? Documented? Does anybody even know? Care?

Is this all moot? Is someone going to contend that everyone on earth has the exact same hair and that I'm evil or superficial or mean for asking which happens to generally be the thickest/smoothest/softest? Or which culture generally facilitates long hair on its females?

Your average caucasian girl wears her hair short. Shoulder length at best in 90% of the cases. It's so full of shit - perfumes, product, weird shampoo, etc that it's coarse and fibrous. And they dont give a shit about it. It's hair. They'll chop it off on a whim for something cuter. The idea of sexuality that includes hair is, unfortunately, an entirely foreign concept.

Now take a trip to the south. Texas country. Latin women. 90% of -them- wear it *past* their shoulders. And it's usually great-looking across the board. Anya is a name some people here might recognize. A beautiful, beautiful woman with some latin blood who lives in Texas. Has hair that takes my breath away. Thick black silk. It just looks damn soft, and I'm sure it is. That's the difference.

If this thread gets deleted I'll shut the hell up. I promise. I also promise that I'm not just posting this for some dickheaded reason. So I'd appreciate some kind of intelligent response. One that isn't pretentious. Thank you. This email address works, so use it if you want.