Blah Blah Blah

by mac

I'll tell you what you'll find at Anya's. Something you know nothing about. Incredible beauty, sexuality, and lots of class. For the hair lovers she has a staggering amount of pictures and many videos where she just focuses on her hair. As an example, her latest video series has her partner use her hair to get himself off on the rest of her hair while she does a little talking. To say the least, IT"S HOT!!!!!!!!

As for your post, pc. It's simply more of the same. You take no responsibility for anything you say or do. No matter how much of a jackass you are, you could care less. The posts you make aren't so much about hair, they are about you. The claims you make that you've helped all these women so much proves that. You're just here to get attention.

Oh, and I never click any of your links. I'm just tired of your bashing the women that have sites that want to cater to the long hair fetish in any fashion, and when you do, I'm gonna let you know about it. If you don't like it, tough! I'll bet Leona is regretting that free month she gave you now. Didn't take you long to throw it right back in her face did you? Typical pc, kiss ass to get something for free, but as soon as he pays a couple bucks for it, he has nothing but criticism. Grow up, man.