my view point

by pc

you r rite, Anya. [HI,,by the way}

i will still steal her music, off the internet,

because i like it,,BUTT,, her recent pic will not

be shown here because this is a forum that addmires

longhair. that's all.

1 of my fav alanis songs deals with her be'n dumped.

she sings [best i can remember]

i want you to know

i had faith in you

i wish nothing,,BUTT,,this best,,4 u both...

i know tha virgin of me

is she perverted like me,

will she go down on your in a theater..

does she speek evil of me

will she have your ba bee

i shore she'll make an xxxcelent moth'a

it was a slap in tha face

how quickly i was replaced

are you thinkin of my when you fuck her

and everytime i scratch my nails down someone else's back



and i'm here

to remind u

of the mess u left when you went away

it's not fair

to remind me

of the cross i bear

that you left me

u, u ,u oughta knowwwwwwwwww.......

man,,,this is a real hot woman. yes her hair will grow back


that's not the point.

i,,and remember i said ''I'', think:

if a woman EVER cuts her hair[short],

for whatever reason,

she, automaticly, removes herself frum my

''PERFECT WOMAN LIST'' [ my wife did Sad ]

