my way of sharing

by pc

it's sad what is happening at kazaa, right now.

i'm not shore i believe in copyrites.

if i go to the vidio store, thar's a julie meadows

movie, i've been wanting,,,,BUTT LOOK,,, right beside

it is a 'previously viewed' copy 4 half the price,,,,

it's my opption to buy the ''boxed' one,

with the pics and credits R the cheep one.

[r git romeopapa to mail me a copy of his]

note: ino subject goes a lot deeper

just my dumbazz oppion

[and i have been called that, here, a many'a'time]

where was? [i ramble]

my friends and i upload pics, 2 places:

to my msn thangy,

if you have a msn account [ez to get]

then u have to request a membership at PCs

i approve them/everyboody daily.

NOTE: pics get compressed

a 150k pic will end up 50k

and there is a 3mb limit, [trick word] ''per e-mail''


everyboody knows STEVE [zun to be a moderator, here,2]

try his yahoo thingy

u can make albums of 'compressed' pics


u can put pics in ''files'' , one at a time.

they will stay 'full zize'.

ask him 4 an invite, RIGHT HERE, at ninja's


any better ideas R wellcummed......



on the copewright thang:zumtimes eyez just axx blind