Note To Actual Members of Mine...

by Anya Website: Anya's Site

Yesterday the new switchover began on my new site & new server.

DNS propagation doesn't happen instantly, unfortunately. So it may take a wee bit of time for everything to be 100% back to normal. There was a vast amount of content to deal with as well, so if you experience any issues with that, please lemme know ASAP, por favor.

If you are having trouble logging in, I need you to email me. Yes, that's an insane concept, I know. But by actually contacting ME about whatever issue you're having, I might actually be able to help.

I saw 2 folks posting below in Penny's thread saying they couldn't log in... however, neither of which have bothered to email me.

Now back to that crazy concept of contacting... oh, let's say... *ME* about the issue. light bulb

NM, yours is fixed because I knew who you were and could look up your info to take care of it.

Salt, I dunno who you are, but if you would spend the few moments and email me your username, I can rectify the issue for you more quickly. I look forward to hearing from you.

Btw... PC, you can still Kiss my @ss.


