Hair's how it all Began!!!

by manu

Hello all, been away for a bit but am back now so hope to make up for lost time. :o)

I thought it would be interesting to share with everyone how my fascination (dare I say obsession…) of not just long hair, but what I would term “sexy hair”, was first conceived. Hopefully others will do likewise! This topic has probably been discussed many times over in the past but as I’m newish here I hope y’all will let me indulge.

There is an ulterior motive in sharing this flashback from time with all of you, which will reveal itself shortly…

I must have been about 7 or 8 at the time. I was watching some old movie on telly, and when I started watching it was already well into the movie. The scene that was playing at the time I started watching will always stay with me. It was set in an airplane, where Leading Man is having a conversation with Leading Lady as they are seated side by side. I honestly have no recollection as to what they were saying. Probably because I was distracted, awestruck even, by Leading Lady. She had her hair up in the most elegant bun imaginable. That in itself was remarkable, but what really took my breath away was the sheer size of it. In a word, it was massive. I remember thinking to myself at the time “With a bun that big, I wonder how long her hair is when it’s loose…” It was shortly after that thought to myself that I experienced my first ever hair related stiffy. And it stayed on for the rest of the movie! :o)

Anyways, like I mentioned earlier I have no idea what the movie was about – I was just completely fixated on THE Bun. And how long her hair must have been loose.

I’ll fast forward through the movie a bit at this point – conversation continues, plane eventually lands, Leading Man and Leading Lady clear immigration, collect their bags and then past through customs. They get into a taxi and get off at a hotel. Leading Man and Leading Lady check in and then make their way to their room.

Let me resume normal speed again and describe Leading Lady a little more. I already mentioned the size of THE Bun. And how it looked really elegant. Well – the way she was dressed (fur coat over a sexy evening gown) and spoke accentuated that elegance. Here is some high class lady I thought. A princess maybe. Anyway, Leading Man and Leading Lady are now in the room. Leading Lady removes her fur coat, walks over to the bed and sits down on it. She then looks seductively at Leading Man and says (the only piece of conversation I remember from the movie), “We did it honey”. Leading Man smiles as he walks over to her and then reaches for THE Bun with his hands. He patiently starts undoing it (and in my mind I’m saying “I’ll get to see how long it is!!!”) as she gently leans back on the bed on her elbows. The camera zooms into her hair now as it is carefully released from its majestic confines. As her hair slowly tumbles out in all its glory, Leading Man digs his hands into her mane and shakes it out gently.

And this is when I get blown away.

As Leading Man shakes out her long glorious mane, tiny little white stones start to fall out from within…just one or two at first…then he shakes it out a little bit more vigorously, and they keep coming, falling onto the bed.


The movie ends pretty quickly after that amazing scene. Leading Lady’s hair is revealed to be as gob smacking as I was hoping it would be – just past her butt, all one length, mainly straight but slightly wavy from being in a bun, and a shiny, shimmering dark brown.

I am as blown away now typing this out as I was that day more than 25 years ago…

And here comes the ulterior motive I mentioned earlier – DOES ANYONE KNOW THE NAME OF THE MOVIE I HAVE JUST DESCRIBED???

For the past 25 years I have tried to locate the culprit of my fetish for sexy hair, in vain. It would have helped if I knew who played Leading Man or Leading Lady (God I would LOVE to know who Leading Lady is!), but I don’t. And to make it harder, I’m not even sure if it was a movie, or just an episode of a TV programme.

So, I would be ETERNALLY grateful if someone out there could help me reach the end of my rainbow and help me find my long lost treasure…

I guess I got a bit carried away with this post – hope I did not lose any of you to boredom.

Next time round I’ll tell you about the first really long haired girl friend I had, and the pleasant surprise she was to reveal to me when we first got it on…stay tuned! :o)