This is too goddamn funny!

by justbitchin

the guy posts some caps for max2 and he gets a shitload of responses from some guys , none of which are max 2. Then to top it off, half of them bitch about. Now that is funny. bitch about a post that wasnt even meant for them? WTF!!!!!

Oops, sorry I totally forgot to mention it . But I dont plan on bitchin about this post one goddamn bit. Ya know, I kinda liked the caps and hell, hi530now will probably even post the clip sometime soon, unless he's just a forum bitch like the rest of ya which I doubt.

Oh by the way, the bitch forum is over there at and the chief bitch over there is some bitch named pc. membership over there is free, after all, why should somebody have to pay just to bitch!!