LEONA, my mane love

by pc

my putor has had a BAD virus .

i ended up loosing everything.

i was use'n 1/2 of my 60gig harddrive,,BUTT,,now

i am using, let me look,,,,,,,,,,623mg. lol

it's gonna be a lotta work re:installing

my programs/pics/n/clips.

i, 1st, installed the new/updated McAfee virus thangy.

2nd thang, i did was,, go talk to Leona [my mane love]

what a gal! she's gonna give me a nudder month, FREE.

she said it was just for 'beeing nice' ,,BUTT,, i

think, somehow, she knew i forgot to back-up

the pics/clips i had of her[and penny].

boy, have i got lots to dew

my desktop is dull blue,,BUTT,, not 4 long.

i think, the pic of Leona, looking out across the water,,

wanting to go fishing,,will do just fine. don't chu.?.

check out her new ''toy''[rotating cube of pics]

and her new series is at a marina. 2COOL.

let's go thar!!!!!!!!!!!



