Hello Charlotte and welcome.
I enjoyed reading your exquisite description of your lovely hair.
Your questions pertaining to long hair attraction made me do some answering.
Everyone tastes are different as there are different textures and hair colors in the
spectrum of light. Attractiveness in length varies as I've seen women with shoulder
length hair as well as ankle length hair look very attractive and alluring.
Tecra's formula for Hair length:
How long is long enough?
Erotic Allure + Manageability = Length
Erotic Allure: Ability to excite, or arouse oneself and/or others
Manageability: Caring, nurturing, control, etc.
In my opinion, what makes hair attractive is its overall health, texture, and natural
ability to flow indoors and out, i.e. tender loving care.
I admire women with long hair, especially the ones who like to describe their own admiration
of their hair and what they do with it for enjoyment. If a lady has a beautiful
updo with her hair in a bun, I can usually tell she is being conservative in public, and
that is O.K. If she has it loose in public and flowing in the wind, then I can almost
guarantee that 90% of the gents would turn their heads and stop to take a look at her.
Yes, I've had my share of close call fender benders on the road, and a honk or too from
behind when holding up traffic.
From reading your most descriptive post, I can say that your hair smells
very good, and that hair that smells good is very healthy and an attraction.
Also, I suggest visiting the following journal:
ht tp://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=3151
I also endorse:
ht tp://www.longhairclub.com/
p.s. We would luv to see a picture of your beautiful hair.