BUTT 1st [4newbeez]
4pages [pix hotlink][eyez like search buttons,,BUTT,,got no time]
ennie boody read greek? [be a poster and post ur finds]
hair's best of [if ur not gettin the zip]
copy n paste the end of these links...sorry...[slow,,ino]
92 pics 33.1mb
not many hair pix,,BUTT,,lots of pink
89 pics 28.9mb
pass on the pony sets
only pic in set that shows the length
very few,,hair [she doesn't know she has pretty hair]
same hair [set2,,9-28-06]
best of her 1st set
at PCs i could have posted the click a bull thumbs,,uno..
[[BUTT,,whair eyez git hair,,eyez leave hair]]
kram,,thanks 4 clip...
the end