How to Post/upload

by pc

1st,,u need a


click start

click run

type in 'notepad'

thar's a place to copy n paste

the url of the pages/pics.

type your text

add the link

make your list

when your done

copy n paste in a post.

some pics will link sum won't.

make sure your post got accepted

be4 u delete your note pad.

hell type in a few e-mails/links

or whatever. when you close the


it will ask u if you want to save changes.

click yes

and give your note pad a name

''longhair''works 4 me.

then when you close it, it will

be saved in your documents.

click start

click documents

thar it is


2B used over and over again.



the pics you have on your putor.


lots of ways. your own .com is best.

hell,,,build a site, dude. what,,2hard? me2..

just to get you used to uploading:


one all ready thar[if you don't want

to start your own group]


sorry,,her,,BUTT,,not yahoo.

yahoo= 1st join her group

click join--check 'no emails' and your in

did your surf thar? cool, huh?.

u don't have to put penny pics in your new album.

whoever[she loves women's pics]

iv had several albums ,thar.

i delete them to add new ones.

3mb limit per e-mail.

click photos

click create album

name your album

click finished

thar it is..empty...

click add photos

click 'launch upload tool'

this is a little browser

that allows you to find your

folders and gives the thumbs

of what's inside them. [like explorer]

checkmark the pics you want to upload

and click upload. S L O W U P L O A D I N


dats what i would dew, 1st.

give it a try.


cool pic, huh

i keep the url on my