To finish the story: So I felt and smelled her hair while she giggled and enjoyed it. After a few minutes, she sat up again. By this time she'd been riding for about a half an hour, and she was sobering up a little. I think she was starting to realize when I let her out she'd be an hour from home and an hour from her cousin's and it'd be darker and colder. She asked if I could lend her money, and I said no. Then she offered me a BJ for money and I said no again. She wanted to know if I'd buy her hair from her. But before I answered, she said "No, I've been growing it out for months now, I'm not going to sell it."
As she got more sober, she got more depressed, and started to cry. That lasted for maybe five minutes.
When it was time for me to get off the highway, she asked me for money again, and I turned her down again. As she got out, she told me "Well, fuck you then." and slammed the door. Never sayw her again, but that's a ride home I won't soon forget. I've been across that same stretch of road where I picked her up about four or five times since then, and I always wonder what ever happened to her.