''Sounds like you have your cookies blocked. Check all your security settings, make sure they allow cookies.''
i went to properties/security,,BUTT,,can't find the cookie on n off button.
''Next try > Load FireFox up and see if you can get to the sites with that on your computer, if you can you will know it is IE, if not, then it is something else''
ok,,jake...i guess it's time i tryed foxfire....
''run a Virus Scan/Adware Scan etc.''
avast scan showed nuttin.
spybot deleted a million cookies [it's been a yr r 2]
thanks, jake...i'll get back to you,,hair at ninja's.
i can't log-in/post my own forum!!!!...lol...dam putors...
say ''howdeeeeee'' to samantha. [u r a lucky man,,uno/ino]