when not surfin lh,,,surf 4

by pc

i divide my alotted surf time between surfin hair [and PCs] and

surfin 4 hair to post,,hair [and PCs]

if you need a good place to surf 4 lh 2 post/get,,,,

i can't seem to stay caught up at

porno-platniki.sexnarod.ru/ link frum palu,,months ago..i'v got/posted several gigs frum this site/forum...cool place to 'hang out'


newest post are on last page [the popular one's,,like met]

if a rapid link is more than 1 month old


every time it's clicked/got it renews it for 30 more days.

some uploaders are rs members. their uploads are all good. [don't xxxpire]

some rapid/uploads are dead..check/click them b4 posting.

[this will ''renew'' them]

watch for passwords to zips/rars.

the word 'password' in russian is ïàðîëü.

that didn't work...lol...it's naponb.


if you need to translate something


lol...yea,,right....don't tell me your caught up at


[u must have high-speed and 5, 160gig hard-drives,,full 0v lh...]

addicted? yea,,,me too...[BUTT,,each in our own different way]

thanks 4 your honesty/imput.

eyez love a good ''touch'' pic


if you have the clip/link when you post the caps

please post it.

i've saved several of the caps,,in special folders and

then missed the clip because it slipped off the page b4 i saw your ''hair's the link'' reply.

[and i surf hair,,daily...some ''good posters'' don't,,uno.]

thank you...
